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Meno-Mirth Michaela

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Laughing Through Life's Hot Flashes and Hurdles

Welcome to Meno-Mirth Michaela, where laughter meets life's menopausal madness! This isn't your typical blog aiming for followers or money—it's a personal journey shared with those who want to laugh, cry, and commiserate along the way.


As I navigate this historic (to me) phase of life, I'm on a quest to find humour and solace even while lying in bed, struggling to rest my racing brain.


Whether you choose to follow along or simply stumble upon this space, join me as we embark on a journey filled with laughter, tears, and everything in between.


While my aim is to share experiences that might resonate with others, ultimately, this blog is about getting through my own journey, one laugh at a time. So, hop on board and navigate the menopausal mayhem together!

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